2024 Personal Session
2024 Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy & Mediation Meetings Sessions
2024 Special Packages
Methods of Payment
Payments can be made using:
or bank transfer.
or bank transfer.
Scheduling, Re-scheduling & Cancellation Policies
Cancellation and rescheduling are welcome at all times until 24 hours before the appointment, unless in the case of emergency or illness, God forbid, there is no charge.
For cancellation within 24 hours, or missed appointment without valid reason, client is asked to compensate for the session.
For last minute sessions (booked the day before or the day of), the client is expected to hold said appointment, unless for emergency or illness.
The client is always welcome to be in touch with Nili for rescheduling needs
For cancellation within 24 hours, or missed appointment without valid reason, client is asked to compensate for the session.
For last minute sessions (booked the day before or the day of), the client is expected to hold said appointment, unless for emergency or illness.
The client is always welcome to be in touch with Nili for rescheduling needs
Please note, for sessions with minors, Nili requests written consent from legal guardian before the first session.
Exclusive In-Person
Nature Therapy Day-Trip Experience

Nili offers exclusive one-on-one, full day immersive nature therapy experiences.
The experience begins with coffee/tea-date & intention setting.
A 3 hour journey into nature whilst in therapeutic discussion.
A Kosher vegetarian lunch.
And a closing ceremony and blessing way for planned integration.
This exclusive offer is a $1,000 experience, geared towards clients with true desire to go-deep and have in-person professionally guided personal exploration.
The choice of natural location and the difficulty or ease of hike depends on the client.
The experience begins with coffee/tea-date & intention setting.
A 3 hour journey into nature whilst in therapeutic discussion.
A Kosher vegetarian lunch.
And a closing ceremony and blessing way for planned integration.
This exclusive offer is a $1,000 experience, geared towards clients with true desire to go-deep and have in-person professionally guided personal exploration.
The choice of natural location and the difficulty or ease of hike depends on the client.
A Message from Nili:
Dear Future Client,
I so look forward to working together!
On a personal note- it is important for anyone that is considering working with me to know that I truly believe that therapy does not have to be a drag, nor something you have to feel ashamed of, or are annoyed to do.... nor do I intend to judge you for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) you hope to bring to the table. I am into what is real, whatever that is in your life. I am on open-minded baalat tshuva who has heard it all or been through it myself! I am here to love you, to honor your process, and to respect every inch of your beautiful neshama.
Yallah let's rock and roll, bH. If you dig our work, we continue. If you don't, there is zero pressure. Blessings!
Email today to set up our first confidential session.
Warmly and with gratitude,
Nili Salem
Narrative Therapist, Teacher, Speaker, Spiritual/Ceremonial/Nature Guide
On a personal note- it is important for anyone that is considering working with me to know that I truly believe that therapy does not have to be a drag, nor something you have to feel ashamed of, or are annoyed to do.... nor do I intend to judge you for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) you hope to bring to the table. I am into what is real, whatever that is in your life. I am on open-minded baalat tshuva who has heard it all or been through it myself! I am here to love you, to honor your process, and to respect every inch of your beautiful neshama.
Yallah let's rock and roll, bH. If you dig our work, we continue. If you don't, there is zero pressure. Blessings!
Email today to set up our first confidential session.
Warmly and with gratitude,
Nili Salem
Narrative Therapist, Teacher, Speaker, Spiritual/Ceremonial/Nature Guide
“Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed.”